Publications of the Foundation → Search Keyword = "Menschenrechte" and Collection = Publications of the Foundation
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[60th anniversary universal declaration of human rights
rules and guarantee for survivialBangkok, 2009Reviewing the UN Human Rights Council
perspectives from civil societyBerlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Department for Global Policy and Development, 2010The UN social protection floor initiative
turning the tide at the ILO Conference 2011Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Department for Global Policy and Development, 2011L'Initiative pour un socle de protection sociale des Nations Unies
renverser le cours des choses à la Conférence Internationale du Travail 2011Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Dep. for Global Policy and Development, 2011The UN social protection floor initiative
moving forward with the extension of social securityIn: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft : IPG = International politics and society, (2011), 2011, 2The politics of the possible
the way ahead for the right to developmentBerlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Global Policy and Development, 2011Update oder Upgrade?
Eine Bilanz zur Revision der OECD-Leitsätze für multinationale UnternehmenBerlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Globale Politik und Entwicklung, 2011Holding businesses accountable for human rights violations
recent developments and next stepsBerlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Global Policy and Development, 2011Mehr Partizipation wagen!
Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Forum Politik und Gesellschaft, 2011Getting the incentives right: the Health Impact Fund
a concrete contribution to global justice and an innovation in global healthBerlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Global Policy and Development, 2011Los territorio indígenas traslapados con áreas del sistema de parques nacionales naturales la Amazonia colombiana
situación actual y perpectivasBogotá : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung en Colombia [u.a.], 2007A segurança como um desafio moderno aos direitos humanos
Sao Paulo : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2007Human rights and international social policy
constraining the anarchy of powerBerlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Dept. for Development Policy, 2007Viet Nam, human rights and trade
implications of Viet Nam's accession to the WTOBerlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2008Fórum Intergovernamental de Promoçao da Igualdade Racial
6. FIPIR Nacional: Pacto pela igualdade racional renova compromissos ; boletim informativo especial, Brasilia, 19 de junho de 2006[São Paulo] : Fundaçao Friedrich Ebert, 2006Fórum Intergovernamental de Promoçao da Igualdade Racial
encontro regional Nordeste ; boletim informativo especial, Recife e Olinda, 4 a 6 de maio de 2006[São Paulo] : Fundaçao Friedrich Ebert, 2006Fórum Intergovernamental de Promoçao da Igualdade Racial
encontro regional Centro-Oeste ; boletim informativo especial, Goiânia, 04 a 06 de abril de 2006[São Paulo] : Fundaçao Friedrich Ebert, 2006Fórum Intergovernamental de Promoçao da Igualdade Racial
encontro regional Sul ; boletim informativo especial, Itajaí, 28 a 29 de abril de 2006[São Paulo] : Fundaçao Friedrich Ebert, 2006Reforming the UN Commission on Human Rights
perspectives for non-governmental organisationsGeneva : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Geneva Office [u.a.], 2005