Historical press of the German Social Democrats
→ Vorwärts : Berliner Volksblatt → Vorwärts. 1891-1933 → 11 (1894) → 110 (16.5.1894)
jump to filter-optionsHistorical press of the German Social Democrats
→ Vorwärts : Berliner Volksblatt → Vorwärts. 1891-1933 → 11 (1894) → 110 (16.5.1894)
Engels, Friedrich
born 28. November 1820 in Barmen; died 5. August 1895 in LondonFourier, Charles
born 7. April 1772; died 10. October 1837Laurence, Max
born 7. August 1852 in Berlin; died 26. May 1926 in BerlinNaumann, Louis
born 1845 in Seehausen; died 1925