Historical press of the German Social Democrats
→ Vorwärts : Berliner Volksblatt → Vorwärts. 1891-1933 → 19 (1902) → 176 (31.7.1902)
jump to filter-optionsHistorical press of the German Social Democrats
→ Vorwärts : Berliner Volksblatt → Vorwärts. 1891-1933 → 19 (1902) → 176 (31.7.1902)
Balfour, Arthur James
born 25. July 1848 in Whittingehame, Schottland, Großbritannien; died 19. March 1930 in Fisher's HillBölsche, Wilhelm
born 2. January 1861 in Köln; died 31. August 1939 in SchreiberhauDumas, Alexandre
born 24. July 1802 in Villers-Cotterêts; died 5. December 1870 in Puy bei Dieppe, FrankreichFriedrich II., Preußen, König
born 24. January 1712 in Berlin; died 17. August 1786 in PotsdamKimbel, Wilhelm
born 14. February 1868 in Breslau; died 21. May 1965 in ZehdenickKürschner, Joseph
born 20. September 1853 in Gotha; died 30. July 1902 in Matrei in OsttirolLehmann, Richard
born 28. January 1900 in Wien; died 12. January 1945 in DresdenLeid, Karl