Historical press of the German Social Democrats
→ Vorwärts : Berliner Volksblatt → Vorwärts. 1891-1933 → 20 (1903) → 293 (16.12.1903)
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→ Vorwärts : Berliner Volksblatt → Vorwärts. 1891-1933 → 20 (1903) → 293 (16.12.1903)
born 384 B:C. in Stagira; died 322 B:C. in ChalkideArons, Leo
born 15. February 1860 in Berlin; died 10. October 1919 in BerlinBassermann, Albert
born 7. September 1867 in Mannheim; died 15. May 1952 in ZürichBauer, Stephan
born 1865 in Wien; died 1934 in BaselBecque, Henry
born 18. April 1837 in Neuilly-sur-Seine; died 12. May 1899 in ParisBendix, Martin
born 22. July 1843; died 17. October 1915 in BerlinBraun, Heinrich
born 1. January 1862 in Rawicz; died 26. April 1934 in Überlingen