Historical press of the German Social Democrats
→ Vorwärts : Berliner Volksblatt → Vorwärts. 1891-1933 → 10 (1893) → 138 (15.6.1893)
jump to filter-optionsHistorical press of the German Social Democrats
→ Vorwärts : Berliner Volksblatt → Vorwärts. 1891-1933 → 10 (1893) → 138 (15.6.1893)
Bismarck, Otto von
born 1. April 1815 in Schönhausen (Elbe); died 30. July 1898 in Aumühle-FriedrichsruhBorromeo, Carlo
born 1538; died 1584Friedrich Wilhelm I., Preußen, König
born 15. August 1688 in Cölln (Spree); died 31. May 1740 in PotsdamKautsky, Karl
born 16. October 1854 in Prag; died 17. October 1938 in AmsterdamKrüger, Johannes
born 1890; died 1975