Historical press of the German Social Democrats
→ Vorwärts : Berliner Volksblatt → Vorwärts. 1891-1933 → 27 (1910) → 303 (28.12.1910)
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→ Vorwärts : Berliner Volksblatt → Vorwärts. 1891-1933 → 27 (1910) → 303 (28.12.1910)
Aehrenthal, Johann Lexa von
born 27. September 1854 in Hrubá Skála; died 17. February 1912 in WienBarth, Richard
born 5. June 1850 in Großwanzleben bei Magdeburg; died 23. December 1923 in MagdeburgBebel, August
born 22. February 1840 in Deutz; died 13. August 1913 in Passugg-AraschgenBehrens, Gustav
born 18. October 1884 in Birkenfeld (Landkreis Birkenfeld); died 20. August 1955 in MainzBethmann Hollweg, Theobald von
born 29. November 1856 in Hohenfinow; died 2. January 1921 in HohenfinowBlériot, Louis
born 1. July 1872 in Cambrai; died 2. August 1936 in ParisBonhoeffer, Dietrich
born 4. February 1906 in Breslau; died 9. April 1945 in FlossenbürgBorchardt, Julian
born 13. January 1868 in Bydgoszcz; died 16. February 1932 in Berlin