Publikationen der Stiftung → Spotlight on the gender knowledge gap in security policies Titel
Publikationen der Stiftung → Spotlight on the gender knowledge gap in security policies
- TitelSpotlight on the gender knowledge gap in security policies : security radar 2023
- Weitere TitelSecurity radar 2023
- Verfasser
- Körperschaft
- Erschienen
- Umfang1 Online-Ressource (23 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme
- SpracheEnglisch
- DokumenttypDruckschrift
- Schlagwörter
- Geografika
- ISBN978-3-98628-428-2
- Nachweis
- Archiv
This analysis puts the spotlight on gendered views of security policies. Do men and women in Germany, France, and Poland view security policies differently, and if so, how? Our systematic analysis of Security Radar 2023 data covers attitudes towards military means in the Russian war in Ukraine, towards weapons delivery and changes to European security architecture, as well as towards European integration of Ukraine. Security Radar: Spotlight on the Gender Knowledge Gap in Security Policies reveals a gender knowledge gap. Women answer the survey's questions with 'I don't know' significantly more often than men across all three countries. Women show higher confidence in answering Security Radar questions related to personal worries and risks.