Publikationen der Stiftung → On the Corona frontline Titel
Publikationen der Stiftung → On the Corona frontline
- TitelOn the Corona frontline : the experiences of care workers in Denmark
- Verfasser
- Körperschaft
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- Parallele Sprachausgabe
- Umfang1 Online-Ressource (5 Seiten)
- AnmerkungLiteraturverzeichnis Seite 5
- SpracheEnglisch
- SerieEuropa
- DokumenttypDruckschrift
- Schlagwörter
- Geografika
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- Archiv
This paper looks at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on elder care in Denmark and examines the response of the Danish trade union FOA. Danish elder care faces a wide range of problems, including time pressure and staff shortages. Yet the death toll among older people in Denmark has been low compared to many other countries. Nonetheless, by March 2021 we had sadly seen 923 deaths in care homes. The main issues for the trade unions have been providing immediate support to members, union branches, and shop stewards and helping them to understand changing guidelines. Negotiating with employers and government and helping to secure adequate workplace PPE have also been important.