Publikationen der Stiftung → Safe spaces and protection in Syria before and during the war Titel
Publikationen der Stiftung → Safe spaces and protection in Syria before and during the war
- TitelSafe spaces and protection in Syria before and during the war
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- Körperschaft
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- Umfang1 Online-Ressource (10 eiten) : Diagramme
- SpracheEnglisch
- SerieSecurity provision and good governance in post-war Syria: A security needs assessment among the Syrian diaspora in Germany ; Working paper 1
- DokumenttypDruckschrift
- Schlagwörter
- Geografika
- Nachweis
- Archiv
This working paper examines the elements of security and the environments in which survey participants felt safe and secure in Syria, both before and during the war. It also sheds light on the actors who provided protection to citizens before the outbreak of the war.