Publikationen der Stiftung → The impact of labour migration on the Bulgarian economy Titel
Publikationen der Stiftung → The impact of labour migration on the Bulgarian economy
- TitelThe impact of labour migration on the Bulgarian economy
- Herausgeber
- Körperschaft
- Erschienen
- Parallele Sprachausgabe
- Umfang28 Seiten : Diagramme
- SpracheEnglisch
- DokumenttypDruckschrift
- Schlagwörter
- Geografika
- ISBN978-954-2979-44-9
- Nachweis
- Archiv
The shortage of skilled labour is one of the most severe constraints affecting economic growth in Bulgaria in recent years. This is a constantly recurring problem posed by employers’ organisations, and it gradually embraces all sectors of the economy and professions, but also different companies - from micro-enterprises to large companies. There are various reasons for this - a permanently deteriorating demographic picture, demotivation of a significant number of the working-age population and the quality education and vocational training that is inadequate for the labour market. This study includes sociological research that defines the profile and motivational attitudes of potential economic emigrants. The results of the sociological research provide an opportunity for policies to be developed for the prevention of labour emigration. In any case, such an approach would be more efficient and quicker to put into practice than a reversal of the flow of labour migration. The current analysis proposes different solutions that can be combined in a purposeful policy for regulating labour migration. They provide the opportunity for informed decisions to be taken in which policies relate to tackling the main issues and are provided with the necessary financial resources.