Publikationen der Stiftung → Conditional or promotional trade agreements - is enforcement possible? Titel
Publikationen der Stiftung → Conditional or promotional trade agreements - is enforcement possible?
- TitelConditional or promotional trade agreements - is enforcement possible? : how international labour standards can be enforced through US and EU social chapters
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- UmfangII, 27 Seiten
- AnmerkungLiteraturverzeichnis Seite 25-27
- SpracheEnglisch
- SerieCLS+ Core labour standards plus
- DokumenttypDruckschrift
- Schlagwörter
- Nachweis
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In their study, Madelaine Moore and Christoph Scherrer assess the promotional (EU) and conditional (US) approach to the inclusion of labour standards in social chapters within trade agreements. They explore the reasons for the lack of enforcement of labour provisions in current trade agreements such as NAFTA, EU-CARIFORUM and EU-South Korea. By exploring the necessary external conditions for better enforcement of labour standards in trade agreements and analysing various social chapter designs, Madelaine Moore and Christoph Scherrer provide valuable policy recommendations to make future trade agreements and policy more effective in enforcing labour standards and law. Amongst others, they refer to pre-ratification conditions, the inclusion of social partners, an adjustment of the dispute settlement mechanism, the availability of sanctions, and. Their research findings are one of the outputs of the regional project Core Labour Standards Plus (CLS+), which was launched by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Asia in 2016.