Publikationen der Stiftung → Serbia's progress in EU integration 2020-2022 Titel
Publikationen der Stiftung → Serbia's progress in EU integration 2020-2022
- TitelSerbia's progress in EU integration 2020-2022 : constitutional changes the only step forward?
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- Körperschaft
- Erschienen
- Umfang1 Online-Ressource (8 Seiten)
- SpracheEnglisch
- SerieDemocracy and human rightsAnalysis
- DokumenttypDruckschrift
- Schlagwörter
- Geografika
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Between 2020 and 2022 Serbian government managed to make formal progress in EU accession, opening a total of four chapters that comprise Cluster
4. This was lauded by both Serbian government and EU officials as a huge step forward and was seen as an impetus for further acceleration of progress. However, opening four chapters in 16 months is far from a stellar result for an EU accession frontrunner. There are important questions that
need to be answered. Are there any signs that the Serbian government is indeed more devoted to EU reforms? What is the quality of the reforms that enabled this progress? Was the constitutional reform, that led the member states to reward Serbia with new clusters after two years of stalemate, an important step forward for the rule of law in the country?
Vlada Srbije je od 2020. do 2022. uspela da formalno napreduje u pristupanju EU, otvorivši ukupno četiri poglavlja koja čine klaster 4. Srpske Vlade, ali i EU zvaničnici ovo vide kao ogroman korak napred i podsticaj za dalje ubrzanje napretka. Međutim, otvaranje četiri poglavlja za 16 meseci daleko je od željenog rezultata za regionalnog lidera u pristupanju EU. Postoje važna pitanja na koja treba odgovoriti. Ima li znakova da je Vlada Srbije zaista posvećenija evropskim reformama? Kakav je kvalitet reformi koje su omogućile ovaj napredak? Da li je Ustavna reforma, koja je dovela do toga da države članice nagrade Srbiju novim klasterima posle dve godine zastoja, bila važan korak napred za vladavinu prava u zemlji?