Datenquelle: GND
Ukraine-China after 2014: a new chapter in the relationship
opportunities and prospects, obstacles and risksKyiv : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Kyiv Office, September 2018Ukraïna-Kytaj pislja 2014: nova storinka u vidnosynach
možlyvosti i perspektyvy, pereškody i ryzykyKyïv : Fond imeni Fridricha Eberta, Predstavnyctvo v Ukraïni, [2018] 2018Bucharest nine
looking for cooperation on NATO's Eastern flank?Kyiv : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Kyiv Office, July 2019Bucharest 9
u pošukach spivpraci na schidnomu flanzi NATO?Kyïv : Fond im Fridricha Eberta, Predstavnyctvo v Ukraïni, Lypen' 2019Scenariï i trendy 2021
mižnarodna politykaKyïv : Fond imeni Fridricha Eberta, Predstavnyctvo v Ukraïni, Hruden' 2020Ukraine and Central Europe
attitudes and perceptions : country spotlighsKyiv : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ; Kyiv : Foreign Policy Council Ukrainian Prism, 2022Analysis of the bilateral Ukraine-Moldova relations
problematic and promising dimensions of cooperationKyiv : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, December 2022Grand strategy of small alliances of Ukraine
use of potential against the background of global challengesKyïv : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, January 2023Velyka stratehija malych al'jansiv Ukraïny
vykorystannja ptenčialu na fony hlobal'nych vyklykivKyïv : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Sičen 2023