Nabiyeva, Komila  
Datenquelle: GND
  • Energy transition in South East and Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia

    challenges, opportunities and best practices on renewable energy and energy efficiency
    Nabiyeva, Komila    
    Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Dept. for Central and Eastern Europe, December 2018
  • Na puti k zelenoj energetike

    vozobnovljaemaja energia i energoeffektivnost' v stranach Jugo-Vostočnoj i Vostočnoj Evropy, Južnogo Kavkaza i Zentralnoj Azii
    Nabiyeva, Komila    
    Berlin : Fond im. Fridricha Eberta, Department Central'noj i Vostočnoj Evropy, Oktjabr' 2020
  • Fostering the energy transition

    prospects for renewable energy and energy efficiency in South East and Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia
    Nabiyeva, Komila    
    Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Dept. for Central and Eastern Europe, October 2020