Šonje, Velimir  
in Zagreb
Datenquelle: GND
  • Titelblatt

    ZEF - 4. Zagrebački Ekonomski Forum 2012

    Zagrebački Ekonomski Forum 4 2012 Zagreb     ; Šonje, Velimir     ; Štiblar, Franjo     ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Büro Kroatien    
    Zagreb, 2012
  • Titelblatt

    No more buying time

    fiscal austerity in Croatia
    Šonje, Velimir    
    Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Central and Eastern Europe, 2012
  • Titelblatt

    In or out?

    the politics of Euro accession for Eastern European member states
    Pogátsa, Zoltán     ; Sum, Katarzyna     ; Lungu, Laurian     ; Hodulák, Vladan     ; Gančev, Gančo     ; Šonje, Velimir    
    Sofia : Friedrich Ebert Foundation Office Bulgaria, 2019