Elektronische Zeitschrift
Elektronische Zeitschrift
- Gesamttitel
- Jahrgang2012
- DokumenttypJahrgang
- Archiv
Since the last AMB in 2010 formerly banned newspapers have re-appeared and new publications have hit the streets, two private radio stations have been licensed - but still have to go on air and the self-regulatory mechanisms of the (private) media have been strengthened. On the downside, however, the airwaves are still monopolised under the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation, no community radios have been allowed licenses and in September 2012 a statutory media council was officially launched. A worrying tendency in the face of pending elections is also the fear that threats to freedom of expression might again increase in severity prior to elections when the polarisation of Zimbabwean society becomes very visible. This has to be seen in the context that the country remains deeply polarised between the two major political forces which hamper necessary reforms in many political and social sectors even if some progress has been made in regard to the economy.