Elektronische Zeitschrift
Elektronische Zeitschrift
- Gesamttitel
- Jahrgang2013
- DokumenttypJahrgang
- Schlagwörter
- Geografika
- Archiv
The "Annual Reviews on Labour Relations and Social Dialogue" assess the state of social dialogue and labour relations in Central Eastern Europe (CEE). They provide comprehensive information about political, economic and social framework conditions of the social dialogue in CEE and also try to extrapolate the future developments in these areas. It deals with a wide variety of data specifically concentrated on the social situation, the situation of trade unions, the industrial relations as well as the brief introduction to the main social partners. They deliver footings for a comparative analysis within the region. Short descriptions of most important social partners of each country (Union Mapping / EmployersŽ Association Mapping) complete the information. This compendium is targeted not only to inform union and political partners of FES in Western Europe but also those in Central Eastern Europe on the situation of workers and their representation of interests.