Elektronische Zeitschrift
Elektronische Zeitschrift
- Gesamttitel
- Jahrgang2014
- DokumenttypJahrgang
- Schlagwörter
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Social dialogue in the Czech Republic and its results are affected particularly by the level of communication of the government and social partners. First signs of an economic crisis occurred in Czech Republic in 2008, but the economy was fully affected by the crisis in 2009. In this difficult period, however, the relations of the caretaker government of Prime Minister Jan Fischer and social partners were correct and consolidated with respecting social partners views. But the following right-wing government of Petr Neèas (ODS) elected in May 2010 refused to respect the results of the previous social dialogue and the relations between the government and social partners, especially with trade unions, have been getting worse.
Thus, both trade unions and employers welcomed the new caretaker government of Jiøí Rusnok, who was appointed by the President Milo Zeman after the resignation of Petr NeèasŽ government in June 2013. In early elections held in October 2013, the two parties gaining the most seats were the left-wing ÈSSD and the new party ANO 2011. The new center-left government was formed in January 2014 with the Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka (ÈSSD). The government declares that it will engage in active social dialogue with social partners as a means of maintaining social peace and will establish an effective system for the exchange of experience between the government and social partners.