Elektronische Zeitschrift
Elektronische Zeitschrift
- Gesamttitel
- Jahrgang2014
- DokumenttypJahrgang
- Schlagwörter
- Geografika
- Archiv
The Romanian economic performance in 2014 was overall balanced, considering that a weaker performance in GDP growth was compensated by a smaller inflation, compared to the previous year. Discussions over the revision of the labour law and of the social dialogue legislation had little reverberation given that the leading party in Parliament was focused on reform measures that would secure victory in the European Parliament election and, especially, in the Presidential election. Therefore, the few amendments that were brought to the social-securities legislation were more focused on limiting the possibilities of deflection.
In 2013, the National Council for Tripartite Dialogue was once again restructured but the discussions had little impact on the reform of the industrial relations given that he national confederations of labour unions cannot agree to support the same legislative project while the Delegate Ministry for Social Dialogue advanced a very selective reform program to be discussed in the Parliamentary Commissions, ignoring many of the suggestions made by the ILO and the social dialogue partners.
Social partners should stand a better chance to impact the political reforms announced for 2015 considering that the new President, Klaus Iohannis, announced his intention to involve civil society more thoroughly in the public debates and also that the labour unions and the employers organisation can generate more public support than the NGO sector.