Publikationen der StiftungSuche Verlag = "Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, African Union Cooperation Office (FES AU)" und Sammlung = Publikationen der Stiftung
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  • Titelblatt

    The APSA we want

    scenarios for the African peace and security architecture in 2040
    Lijn, Jaïr van der    
    Addis Ababa : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, African Union Cooperation Office (FES AU), 2020
  • Titelblatt

    Conflict prevention from the ground

    opportunities and challenges for closer cooperation between AU, RECs and civil society on conflict prevention in Eastern Africa
    Okumu, F. Wafula    
    [Addis Ababa] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, African Union Cooperation Office (FES AU), December 2020
  • Titelblatt

    Ad-hoc regional security arrangements and APSA

    a case study of ACL-GLR, MNJTF, and G5 Sahel Force
    Ismail, Olawale     ; Kifle, Alagaw Ababu    
    Addis Ababa : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, African Union Cooperation Office (FES-AU) ; Saint- Louis : Laboratory of Analyse of Societies and Powers - Africa / Diasporas (LASPAD), Université Gaston Berger, July 2021