Jusić, Mirna  
Datenquelle: GND
  • Titelblatt

    Enlargement policy and social change in the Western Balkans

    Jusić, Mirna     ; Obradovič, Nikolina    
    Sarajevo : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Dialogue Southeast Europe, November [2019], © 2019
  • Titelblatt

    Jugendstudie Südosteuropa 2018/2019

    Lavrič, Miran     ; Tomanović, Smiljka     ; Jusić, Mirna    
    Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Referat Mittel- und Osteuropa, 2019
  • Titelblatt

    The social dimension of enlargement policy

    social rights as a priority of enlargement, access to quality education. access to quality jobs, robust social protection and healthcare systems, EU-WB dialogue with a stronger social dimension
    Jusić, Mirna    
    Sarajevo : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Dialogue Southeast Europe, February [2020], © 2020
  • Social rights are fundamental

    expanding the social dimension of enlargement
    Henkel, Felix     ; Jusić, Mirna    
    Sarajevo : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Dialogue Southeast Europe, February 2020