Asien → Jordanien
The industrialization of Jordan
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proceedings on the symposium ; 27th and 28th October 1991Amman, 1992Irrigation water and agriculture in the Jordan Valley and Southern Ghore
the possibility of cultivating substitute cropsAmman : Centre for Internat. Studies, Royal Scientific Society, 1993Water resources of Jordan
present status and future potentialsAmman : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 1993[Economic cooperation between Jordan and Denmark
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In: Studies about the economic implications of peace on the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, (1994), 2Amman, 1995Who's who in the Jordanian Parliament 1993 - 1997
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balancing national survival with nation's revivalAmman : Center for Strategic Studies, Univ. of Jordan, 1995The Jordanian democratic process
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